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In the present work we study Hinode/EIS observations of an active region taken before, during and after a small C2.0 flare in order to monitor the evolution of the magnetic field evolution and its relation to the flare event. We find that while the flare left the active region itself unaltered, the event included a large Magnetic Field Enhancement (MFE), which consisted of a large increase of the magnetic field to strengths just short of 500~G in a rather small region where no magnetic field was measured before the flare. This MFE is observed during the impulsive phase of the flare at the footpoints of flare loops, its magnetic energy is sufficient to power the radiative losses of the entire flare, and has completely dissipated after the flare. We argue that the MFE might occur at the location of the reconnection event triggering the flare, and note that it formed within 22 minutes of the flare start (as given by the EIS raster return time). These results open the door to a new line of studies aimed at determining whether MFEs 1) can be flare precursor events, 2) can be used for Space Weather forecasts; and 3) what advance warning time they could allow; as well as to explore which physical processes lead to their formation and dissipation, whether such processes are the same in both long-duration and impulsive flares, and whether they can be predicted by theoretical models.
The signatures of energy release and energy transport for a kink-unstable coronal flux rope are investigated via forward modelling. Synthetic intensity and Doppler maps are generated from a 3D numerical simulation. The CHIANTI database is used to compute intensities for three Hinode/EIS emission lines that cover the thermal range of the loop. The intensities and Doppler velocities at simulation resolution are spatially degraded to the Hinode/EIS pixel size (1arcsec), convolved using a Gaussian point-spread function (3arcsec), and exposed for a characteristic time of 50 seconds. The synthetic images generated for rasters (moving slit) and sit-and-stare (stationary slit) are analysed to find the signatures of the twisted flux and the associated instability. We find that there are several qualities of a kink-unstable coronal flux rope that can be detected observationally using Hinode/EIS, namely the growth of the loop radius, the increase in intensity towards the radial edge of the loop, and the Doppler velocity following an internal twisted magnetic field line. However, EIS cannot resolve the small, transient features present in the simulation, such as sites of small-scale reconnection (e.g. nanoflares)
Flares are a major explosive event in our solar system. They are often followed by coronal mass ejection that has a potential to trigger the geomagnetic storms. There are various studies aiming to predict when and where the flares are likely to occur. Most of these studies mainly discuss the photospheric and chromospheric activity before the flare onset. In this paper we study the coronal features before the famous large flare occurrence on December 13th, 2006. Using the data from Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), X-Ray Telescope (XRT), and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) /Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), we discuss the coronal features in the large scale (~ a few 100 arcsec) before the flare onset. Our findings are as follows: 1) The upflows in and around active region start growing from ~10 to 30 km /s a day before the flare. 2) The expanding coronal loops are clearly observed a few hours before the flare. 3) Soft X-ray and EUV intensity are gradually reduced. 4) The upflows are further enhanced after the flare. From these observed signatures, we conclude that the outer part of active region loops with low density were expanding a day before the flare onset, and the inner part with high density were expanding a few hours before the onset.
Here we report on the unique observation of flaring coronal loops at the solar limb using high resolution imaging spectropolarimetry from the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope. The vantage position, orientation and nature of the chromospheric material that filled the flare loops allowed us to determine their magnetic field with unprecedented accuracy using the weak-field approximation method. Our analysis reveals coronal magnetic field strengths as high as 350 Gauss at heights up to 25 Mm above the solar limb. These measurements are substantially higher than a number of previous estimates and may have considerable implications for our current understanding of the extended solar atmosphere.
We present the first Hinode/EIS observations of 5 min quasi-periodic oscillations detected in a transition-region line (He II) and five coronal lines (Fe X, Fe XII, Fe XIII, Fe XIV, and Fe XV) at the footpoint of a coronal loop. The oscillations exist throughout the whole observation, characterized by a series of wave packets with nearly constant period, typically persisting for 4-6 cycles with a lifetime of 20-30 min. There is an approximate in-phase relation between Doppler shift and intensity oscillations. This provides evidence for slow magnetoacoustic waves propagating upwards from the transition region into the corona. We find that the oscillations detected in the five coronal lines are highly correlated, and the amplitude decreases with increasing temperature. The amplitude of Doppler shift oscillations decrease by a factor of about 3, while that of relative intensity decreases by a factor of about 4 from Fe X to Fe XV. These oscillations may be caused by the leakage of the photospheric p-modes through the chromosphere and transition region into the corona, which has been suggested as the source for intensity oscillations previously observed by TRACE. The temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitudes can be explained by damping of the waves traveling along the loop with multithread structure near the footpoint. Thus, this property may have potential value for coronal seismology in diagnostic of temperature structure in a coronal loop.
This study on plasma heating considers the time-dependent ionization process during a large solar flare on September 10, 2017, observed by Hinode/EIS. The observed FeXXIV / FeXXIII ratios increase downstream of the reconnection outflow, and they are consistent with the time-dependent ionization effect at a constant electron temperature Te = 25 MK. Moreover, this study also shows that the non-thermal velocity, which can be related to the turbulent velocity, reduces significantly along the downstream of the reconnection outflow, even when considering the time-dependent ionization process.