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starry_process: Interpretable Gaussian processes for stellar light curves

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 Added by Rodrigo Luger
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this note we present the starry_process code, which implements an interpretable Gaussian process (GP) for modeling variability in stellar light curves. As dark starspots rotate in and out of view, the total flux received from a distant star will change over time. Unresolved flux time series therefore encode information about the spatial structure of features on the stellar surface. The starry_process software package allows one to easily model the flux variability due to starspots, whether one is interested in understanding the properties of these spots or marginalizing over the stellar variability when it is treated as a nuisance signal. The main difference between the GP implemented here and typical GPs used to model stellar variability is the explicit dependence of our GP on physical properties of the star, such as its period, inclination, and limb darkening coefficients, and on properties of the spots, such as their radius and latitude distributions. This code is the Python implementation of the interpretable GP algorithm developed in Luger, Foreman-Mackey, and Hedges (2021).

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The use of Gaussian processes (GPs) as models for astronomical time series datasets has recently become almost ubiquitous, given their ease of use and flexibility. GPs excel in particular at marginalization over the stellar signal in cases where the variability due to starspots rotating in and out of view is treated as a nuisance, such as in exoplanet transit modeling. However, these effective models are less useful in cases where the starspot signal is of primary interest since it is not obvious how the parameters of the GP model are related to the physical properties of interest, such as the size, contrast, and latitudinal distribution of the spots. Instead, it is common practice to explicitly model the effect of individual starspots on the light curve and attempt to infer their properties via optimization or posterior inference. Unfortunately, this process is degenerate, ill-posed, and often computationally intractable when applied to stars with more than a few spots and/or to ensembles of many light curves. In this paper, we derive a closed-form expression for the mean and covariance of a Gaussian process model that describes the light curve of a rotating, evolving stellar surface conditioned on a given distribution of starspot sizes, contrasts, and latitudes. We demonstrate that this model is correctly calibrated, allowing one to robustly infer physical parameters of interest from one or more stellar light curves, including the typical radii and the mean and variance of the latitude distribution of starspots. Our GP has far-ranging implications for understanding the variability and magnetic activity of stars from both light curves and radial velocity (RV) measurements, as well as for robustly modeling correlated noise in both transiting and RV exoplanet searches. Our implementation is efficient, user-friendly, and open source, available as the Python package starry-process.
We present K2SC (K2 Systematics Correction), a Python pipeline to model instrumental systematics and astrophysical variability in light curves from the K2 mission. K2SC uses Gaussian process regression to model position-dependent systematics and time-dependent variability simultaneously, enabling the user to remove both (e.g., for transit searches) or to remove systematics while preserving variability (for variability studies). For periodic variables, K2SC automatically computes estimates of the period, amplitude and evolution timescale of the variability. We apply K2SC to publicly available K2 data from campaigns 3--5, showing that we obtain photometric precision approaching that of the original Kepler mission. We compare our results to other publicly available K2 pipelines, showing that we obtain similar or better results, on average. We use transit injection and recovery tests to evaluate the impact of K2SC on planetary transit searches in K2 PDC (Pre-search Data Conditioning) data, for planet-to-star radius ratios down Rp/Rstar = 0.01 and periods up to P = 40 d, and show that K2SC significantly improves the ability to distinguish between correct and false detections, particularly for small planets. K2SC can be run automatically on many light curves, or manually tailored for specific objects such as pulsating stars or large amplitude eclipsing binaries. It can be run on ASCII and FITS light curve files, regardless of their origin. Both the code and the processed light curves are publicly available, and we provide instructions for downloading and using them. The methodology used by K2SC will be applicable to future transit search missions such as TESS and PLATO.
Upcoming million-star spectroscopic surveys have the potential to revolutionize our view of the formation and chemical evolution of the Milky Way. Realizing this potential requires automated approaches to optimize estimates of stellar properties, such as chemical element abundances, from the spectra. The volume and quality of the observations strongly motivate that these approaches should be data-driven. With this in mind, we introduce SSSpaNG: a data-driven non-Gaussian Process model of stellar spectra. We demonstrate the capabilities of SSSpaNG using a sample of APOGEE red clump stars, whose model parameters we infer via Gibbs sampling. Pooling information between stars to infer their covariance, we permit clear identification of the correlations between spectral pixels. Harnessing these correlations, we infer the true spectrum of each star, inpainting missing regions and denoising by a factor of at least 2 for stars with signal-to-noise of ~20. As we marginalize over the covariance matrix of the spectra, the effective prior on these true spectra is non-Gaussian and sparsifying, favouring typically small but occasionally large excursions from the mean. The high-fidelity inferred spectra produced will enable improved elemental abundance measurements for individual stars. Our model also allows us to quantify the information gained by observing portions of a stars spectrum, and thereby define the most mutually informative spectral regions. Using 25 windows centred on elemental absorption lines, we demonstrate that the iron-peak and alpha-process elements are particularly mutually informative for these spectra, and that the majority of information about a target window is contained in the 10-or-so most informative windows. Such mutual-information estimates have the potential to inform models of nucleosynthetic yields and the design of future observations.
We present the first data release of the Kepler Smear Campaign, using collateral smear data obtained in the Kepler four-year mission to reconstruct light curves of 102 stars too bright to have been otherwise targeted. We describe the pipeline developed to extract and calibrate these light curves, and show that we attain photometric precision comparable to stars analyzed by the standard pipeline in the nominal Kepler mission. In this paper, aside from publishing the light curves of these stars, we focus on 66 red giants for which we detect solar-like oscillations, characterizing 33 of these in detail with spectroscopic chemical abundances and asteroseismic masses as benchmark stars. We also classify the whole sample, finding nearly all to be variable, with classical pulsations and binary effects. All source code, light curves, TRES spectra, and asteroseismic and stellar parameters are publicly available as a Kepler legacy sample.
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