On singular values of Hankel operators on Bergman spaces

Abstract in English

In this paper, we study the behavior of the singular values of Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces $A^2_{omega _varphi}$, where $omega _varphi= e^{-varphi}$ and $varphi$ is a subharmonic function. We consider compact Hankel operators $H_{overline {phi}}$, with anti-analytic symbols ${overline {phi}}$, and give estimates of the trace of $h(|H_{overline phi}|)$ for any convex function $h$. This allows us to give asymptotic estimates of the singular values $(s_n(H_{overline {phi}}))_n$ in terms of decreasing rearrangement of $|phi |/sqrt{Delta varphi}$. For the radial weights, we first prove that the critical decay of $(s_n(H_{overline {phi}}))_n$ is achieved by $(s_n (H_{overline{z}}))_n$. Namely, we establish that if $s_n(H_{overline {phi}})= o (s_n(H_{overline {z}}))$, then $H_{overline {phi}} = 0$. Then, we show that if $Delta varphi (z) asymp frac{1}{(1-|z|^2)^{2+beta}}$ with $beta geq 0$, then $s_n(H_{overline {phi}}) = O(s_n(H_{overline {z}}))$ if and only if $phi $ belongs to the Hardy space $H^p$, where $p= frac{2(1+beta)}{2+beta}$. Finally, we compute the asymptotics of $s_n(H_{overline {phi}})$ whenever $ phi in H^{p }$.
