Diagnosing a Solar Flaring Core with Bidirectional Quasi-Periodic Fast Propagating Magnetoacoustic Waves

Abstract in English

Quasi-periodic fast propagating (QFP) waves are often excited by solar flares, and could be trapped in the coronal structure with low Alfven speed, so they could be used as a diagnosing tool for both the flaring core and magnetic waveguide. As the periodicity of a QFP wave could originate from a periodic source or be dispersively waveguided, it is a key parameter for diagnosing the flaring core and waveguide. In this paper, we study two QFP waves excited by a GOES-class C1.3 solar flare occurring at active region NOAA 12734 on 8 March 2019. Two QFP waves were guided by two oppositely oriented coronal funnel. The periods of two QFP waves were identical and were roughly equal to the period of the oscillatory signal in the X-ray and 17 GHz radio emission released by the flaring core. It is very likely that the two QFP waves could be periodically excited by the flaring core. Many features of this QFP wave event is consistent with the magnetic tuning fork model. We also investigated the seismological application with QFP waves, and found that the magnetic field inferred with magnetohydrodynamic seismology was consistent with that obtained in magnetic extrapolation model. Our study suggest that the QFP wave is a good tool for diagnosing both the flaring core and the magnetic waveguide.
