Risk-sensitive safety analysis using Conditional Value-at-Risk

Abstract in English

This paper develops a safety analysis method for stochastic systems that is sensitive to the possibility and severity of rare harmful outcomes. We define risk-sensitive safe sets as sub-level sets of the solution to a non-standard optimal control problem, where a random maximum cost is assessed using the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) functional. The solution to the control problem represents the maximum extent of constraint violation of the state trajectory, averaged over the $alphacdot 100$% worst cases, where $alpha in (0,1]$. This problem is well-motivated but difficult to solve in a tractable fashion because temporal decompositions for risk functionals generally depend on the history of the systems behavior. Our primary theoretical contribution is to derive under-approximations to risk-sensitive safe sets, which are computationally tractable. Our method provides a novel, theoretically guaranteed, parameter-dependent upper bound to the CVaR of a maximum cost without the need to augment the state space. For a fixed parameter value, the solution to only one Markov decision process problem is required to obtain the under-approximations for any family of risk-sensitivity levels. In addition, we propose a second definition for risk-sensitive safe sets and provide a tractable method for their estimation without using a parameter-dependent upper bound. The second definition is expressed in terms of a new coherent risk functional, which is inspired by CVaR. We demonstrate our primary theoretical contribution using numerical examples of a thermostatically controlled load system and a stormwater system.
