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Graph representation learning is an important task with applications in various areas such as online social networks, e-commerce networks, WWW, and semantic webs. For unsupervised graph representation learning, many algorithms such as Node2Vec and Graph-SAGE make use of negative sampling and/or noise contrastive estimation loss. This bears similar ideas to contrastive learning, which contrasts the node representation similarities of semantically similar (positive) pairs against those of negative pairs. However, despite the success of contrastive learning, we found that directly applying this technique to graph representation learning models (e.g., graph convolutional networks) does not always work. We theoretically analyze the generalization performance and propose a light-weight regularization term that avoids the high scales of node representations norms and the high variance among them to improve the generalization performance. Our experimental results further validate that this regularization term significantly improves the representation quality across different node similarity definitions and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
Semi-supervised learning has been an effective paradigm for leveraging unlabeled data to reduce the reliance on labeled data. We propose CoMatch, a new semi-supervised learning method that unifies dominant approaches and addresses their limitations. CoMatch jointly learns two representations of the training data, their class probabilities and low-dimensional embeddings. The two representations interact with each other to jointly evolve. The embeddings impose a smoothness constraint on the class probabilities to improve the pseudo-labels, whereas the pseudo-labels regularize the structure of the embeddings through graph-based contrastive learning. CoMatch achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets. It achieves substantial accuracy improvements on the label-scarce CIFAR-10 and STL-10. On ImageNet with 1% labels, CoMatch achieves a top-1 accuracy of 66.0%, outperforming FixMatch by 12.6%. Furthermore, CoMatch achieves better representation learning performance on downstream tasks, outperforming both supervised learning and self-supervised learning. Code and pre-trained models are available at
Recent work learns contextual representations of source code by reconstructing tokens from their context. For downstream semantic understanding tasks like summarizing code in English, these representations should ideally capture program functionality. However, we show that the popular reconstruction-based BERT model is sensitive to source code edits, even when the edits preserve semantics. We propose ContraCode: a contrastive pre-training task that learns code functionality, not form. ContraCode pre-trains a neural network to identify functionally similar variants of a program among many non-equivalent distractors. We scalably generate these variants using an automated source-to-source compiler as a form of data augmentation. Contrastive pre-training improves JavaScript summarization and TypeScript type inference accuracy by 2% to 13%. We also propose a new zero-shot JavaScript code clone detection dataset, showing that ContraCode is both more robust and semantically meaningful. On it, we outperform RoBERTa by 39% AUROC in an adversarial setting and up to 5% on natural code.
Drug-drug interaction(DDI) prediction is an important task in the medical health machine learning community. This study presents a new method, multi-view graph contrastive representation learning for drug-drug interaction prediction, MIRACLE for brevity, to capture inter-view molecule structure and intra-view interactions between molecules simultaneously. MIRACLE treats a DDI network as a multi-view graph where each node in the interaction graph itself is a drug molecular graph instance. We use GCNs and bond-aware attentive message passing networks to encode DDI relationships and drug molecular graphs in the MIRACLE learning stage, respectively. Also, we propose a novel unsupervised contrastive learning component to balance and integrate the multi-view information. Comprehensive experiments on multiple real datasets show that MIRACLE outperforms the state-of-the-art DDI prediction models consistently.
Graph representation learning plays a vital role in processing graph-structured data. However, prior arts on graph representation learning heavily rely on labeling information. To overcome this problem, inspired by the recent success of graph contrastive learning and Siamese networks in visual representation learning, we propose a novel self-supervised approach in this paper to learn node representations by enhancing Siamese self-distillation with multi-scale contrastive learning. Specifically, we first generate two augmented views from the input graph based on local and global perspectives. Then, we employ two objectives called cross-view and cross-network contrastiveness to maximize the agreement between node representations across different views and networks. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we perform empirical experiments on five real-world datasets. Our method not only achieves new state-of-the-art results but also surpasses some semi-supervised counterparts by large margins. Code is made available at
Graph-level representations are critical in various real-world applications, such as predicting the properties of molecules. But in practice, precise graph annotations are generally very expensive and time-consuming. To address this issue, graph contrastive learning constructs instance discrimination task which pulls together positive pairs (augmentation pairs of the same graph) and pushes away negative pairs (augmentation pairs of different graphs) for unsupervised representation learning. However, since for a query, its negatives are uniformly sampled from all graphs, existing methods suffer from the critical sampling bias issue, i.e., the negatives likely having the same semantic structure with the query, leading to performance degradation. To mitigate this sampling bias issue, in this paper, we propose a Prototypical Graph Contrastive Learning (PGCL) approach. Specifically, PGCL models the underlying semantic structure of the graph data via clustering semantically similar graphs into the same group, and simultaneously encourages the clustering consistency for different augmentations of the same graph. Then given a query, it performs negative sampling via drawing the graphs from those clusters that differ from the cluster of query, which ensures the semantic difference between query and its negative samples. Moreover, for a query, PGCL further reweights its negative samples based on the distance between their prototypes (cluster centroids) and the query prototype such that those negatives having moderate prototype distance enjoy relatively large weights. This reweighting strategy is proved to be more effective than uniform sampling. Experimental results on various graph benchmarks testify the advantages of our PGCL over state-of-the-art methods.