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We present MeerKAT neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of the Fornax A group, that is likely falling into the Fornax cluster for the first time. Our HI image is sensitive to 1.4 x 10$^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$ over 44.1 km s$^{-1}$, where we detect HI in 10 galaxies and a total of 1.12 x 10$^{9}$ Msol of HI in the intra-group medium (IGM). We search for signs of pre-processing in the 12 group galaxies with confirmed optical redshifts that reside within our HI image. There are 9 galaxies that show evidence of pre-processing and we classify the pre-processing status of each galaxy, according to their HI morphology and gas (atomic and molecular) scaling relations. Galaxies yet to experience pre-processing have extended HI disks, a high HI content with a H$_2$-to-HI ratio an order of magnitude lower than the median for their stellar mass. Galaxies currently being pre-processed display HI tails, truncated HI disks with typical gas ratios. Galaxies in the advanced stages of pre-processing are HI deficient. If there is any HI, they have lost their outer HI disk and efficiently converted their HI to H$_2$, resulting in H$_2$-to-HI ratios an order of magnitude higher than the median for their stellar mass. The central, massive galaxy in our group underwent a 10:1 merger 2 Gyr ago, and ejected 6.6 - 11.2 x 10$^{8}$ Msol of HI that we detect as clouds and streams in the IGM, some forming coherent structures up to 220 kpc in length. We also detect giant (100 kpc) ionised hydrogen (H$alpha$) filaments in the IGM, likely from cool gas being removed (and ionised) from an infalling satellite. The H$alpha$ filaments are situated within the hot halo of NGC 1316 and some regions contain HI. We speculate that the H$alpha$ and multiphase gas is supported by magnetic pressure (possibly assisted by the AGN), such that the hot gas can condense and form HI that survives in the hot halo for cosmological timescales.
We present the science case and observations plan of the MeerKAT Fornax Survey, an HI and radio continuum survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster to be carried out with the SKA precursor MeerKAT. Fornax is the second most massive cluster within 20 Mpc and the largest nearby cluster in the southern hemisphere. Its low X-ray luminosity makes it representative of the environment where most galaxies live and where substantial galaxy evolution takes place. Fornaxs ongoing growth makes it an excellent laboratory for studying the assembly of clusters, the physics of gas accretion and stripping in galaxies falling in the cluster, and the connection between these processes and the neutral medium in the cosmic web. We will observe a region of 12 deg$^2$ reaching a projected distance of 1.5 Mpc from the cluster centre. This will cover a wide range of environment density out to the outskirts of the cluster, where gas-rich in-falling groups are found. We will: study the HI morphology of resolved galaxies down to a column density of a few times 1e+19 cm$^{-2}$ at a resolution of 1 kpc; measure the slope of the HI mass function down to M(HI) 5e+5 M(sun); and attempt to detect HI in the cosmic web reaching a column density of 1e+18 cm$^{-2}$ at a resolution of 10 kpc.
Galaxies in clusters are more likely to be of early type and to have lower star formation rates than galaxies in the field. Recent observations and simulations suggest that cluster galaxies may be `pre-processed by group or filament environments and that galaxies that fall into a cluster as part of a larger group can stay coherent within the cluster for up to one orbital period (`post-processing). We investigate these ideas by means of a cosmological $N$-body simulation and idealized $N$-body plus hydrodynamics simulations of a group-cluster merger. We find that group environments can contribute significantly to galaxy pre-processing by means of enhanced galaxy-galaxy merger rates, removal of galaxies hot halo gas by ram pressure stripping, and tidal truncation of their galaxies. Tidal distortion of the group during infall does not contribute to pre-processing. Post-processing is also shown to be effective: galaxy-galaxy collisions are enhanced during a groups pericentric passage within a cluster, the merger shock enhances the ram pressure on group and cluster galaxies, and an increase in local density during the merger leads to greater galactic tidal truncation.
We use a high-resolution cosmological dark matter-only simulation to study the orbital trajectories of haloes and subhaloes in the environs of isolated hosts. We carefully tally all apsis points and use them to distinguish haloes that are infalling for the first time from those that occupy more evolved orbits. We find that roughly 21 per cent of subhaloes within a hosts virial radius are currently on first infall, and have not yet reached their first orbital pericentre; roughly 44 per cent are still approaching their first apocentre after infall. For the range of host masses studied, roughly half of all accreted systems were pre-processed prior to infall, and about 20 per cent were accreted in groups. We confirm that the entire population of accreted subhaloes -- often referred to as associated subhaloes -- extend far beyond the virial radii of their hosts, with roughly half currently residing at distances that exceed $approx 1.2times r_{200}$. Many of these backsplash haloes have gained orbital energy since infall, and occupy extreme orbits that carry them well past their initial turnaround radii. Such extreme orbits are created during the initial accretion and dissolution of loosely bound groups, but also through penetrating encounters between subhaloes on subsequent orbits. The same processes may also give rise to unexpectedly abrupt losses of orbital energy. These effects combine, giving rise to a large variation in the ratio of sequent apocentres for accreted systems. We find that, within 2 virial radii from host centres, the concentrations of first-infall halos are remarkably similar those of isolated field halos, whereas backsplash haloes, as well as systems that were pre-processed, are considerably more concentrated.
Clues to the formation and evolution of Nuclear Star Clusters (NSCs) lie in their stellar populations. However, these structures are often very faint compared to their host galaxy, and spectroscopic analysis of NSCs is hampered by contamination of light from the rest of the system. With the introduction of wide-field IFU spectrographs, new techniques have been developed to model the light from different components within galaxies, making it possible to cleanly extract the spectra of the NSCs and study their properties with minimal contamination from the light of the rest of the galaxy. This work presents the analysis of the NSCs in a sample of 12 dwarf galaxies in the Fornax Cluster observed with MUSE. Analysis of the stellar populations and star-formation histories reveal that all the NSCs show evidence of multiple episodes of star formation, indicating that they have built up their mass further since their initial formation. The NSCs were found to have systematically lower metallicities than their host galaxies, which is consistent with a scenario for mass-assembly through mergers with infalling globular clusters, while the presence of younger stellar populations and gas emission in the core of two galaxies is indicative of in-situ star formation. We conclude that the NSCs in these dwarf galaxies likely originated as globular clusters that migrated to the core of the galaxy which have built up their mass mainly through mergers with other infalling clusters, with gas-inflow leading to in-situ star formation playing a secondary role.
We investigate the structural properties of cluster and group galaxies by studying the Fornax main cluster and the infalling Fornax A group, exploring the effects of galaxy preprocessing in this showcase example. Additionally, we compare the structural complexity of Fornax galaxies to those in the Virgo cluster and in the field. Our sample consists of 582 galaxies from the Fornax main cluster and Fornax A group. We quantified the light distributions of each galaxy based on a combination of aperture photometry, Sersic+PSF (point spread function) and multi-component decompositions, and non-parametric measures of morphology (Concentration $C$; Asymmetry $A$, Clumpiness $S$; Gini $G$; second order moment of light $M_{20}$), and structural complexity based on multi-component decompositions. These quantities were then compared between the Fornax main cluster and Fornax A group. The structural complexity of Fornax galaxies were also compared to those in Virgo and in the field. Overall, we find significant differences in the distributions of quantities derived from Sersic profiles ($g-r$, $r-i$, $R_e$, and $bar{mu}_{e,r}$), and non-parametric indices ($A$ and $S$) between the Fornax main cluster and Fornax A group. Moreover, we find significant cluster-centric trends with $r-i$, $R_e$, and $bar{mu}_{e,r}$, as well as $A$, $S$, $G$, and $M_{20}$ for galaxies in the Fornax main cluster. We find the structural complexity of galaxies increases as a function of the absolute $r$-band magnitude (and stellar mass), with the largest change occurring between -14 mag $lesssim M_{r}lesssim$ -19 mag. This same trend was observed for galaxies in the Virgo cluster and in the field, which suggests that the formation or maintenance of morphological structures (e.g. bulges, bar) is largely dependent on the stellar mass of the galaxies, rather than their environment.