We investigate $S=-2$ production from the $Lambda pto K^+X$ reactions within the effective Lagrangian approach. The $Lambda pto K^+LambdaLambda$ and $Lambda pto K^+Xi^-p$ reactions are considered to find the lightest $S=-2$ system, which is $H$-dibaryon. We assume that the $H(2250)toLambdaLambda$, and $H(2270)toXi^-p$ decays with the intrinsic decay width of 1 MeV. According to our calculations, the total cross-sections for $Lambda pto K^+LambdaLambda$ and $Lambda pto K^+Xi^-p$ reactions were found to be of the order of a few $mu$b in the $Lambda$ beam momentum range of up to 5 GeV$/c$. Furthermore, the direct access of information regarding the interference patterns between the $H$-dibaryon and non-resonant contributions was demonstrated.