Asynchronous Networked Aggregative Games

Abstract in English

We propose a fully asynchronous networked aggregative game (Asy-NAG) where each player minimizes a cost function that depends on its local action and the aggregate of all players actions. In sharp contrast to the existing NAGs, each player in our Asy-NAG can compute an estimate of the aggregate action at any wall-clock time by only using (possibly stale) information from nearby players of a directed network. Such an asynchronous update does not require any coordination among players. Moreover, we design a novel distributed algorithm with an aggressive mechanism for each player to adaptively adjust the optimization stepsize per update. Particularly, the slow players in terms of updating their estimates smartly increase their stepsizes to catch up with the fast ones. Then, we develop an augmented system approach to address the asynchronicity and the information delays between players, and rigorously show the convergence to a Nash equilibrium of the Asy-NAG via a perturbed coordinate algorithm which is also of independent interest. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the distributed algorithm through numerical simulations.
