Open charm mesons and Charmonia in magnetized strange hadronic matter

Abstract in English

We investigate the in-medium masses of open charm mesons ($D$($D^0$, $D^+$), $bar{D}$($bar{D^0}$, $D^-$), $D_s$(${D_{s}}^+$, ${D_{s}}^-$)) and charmonium states ($J/psi$, $psi(3686)$, $psi(3770)$, $chi_{c0}$, $chi_{c2}$) in strongly magnetized isospin asymmetric strange hadronic matter using a chiral effective model. In the presence of the magnetic field, the number density and scalar density of charged baryons have contributions from Landau energy levels. The mass modifications of open charm mesons arise due to their interactions with nucleons, hyperons, and the scalar fields (the non-strange field $sigma$, strange field $zeta$ and isovector field $delta$) in the presence of the magnetic field. The mass modifications of the charmonium states arise from the variation of dilaton field ($chi$) in the magnetized medium, which simulates the gluon condensates of QCD. The in-medium mass of open charm mesons and charmonia are observed to decrease with an increase in baryon density, whereas the charged $D^+$, $D^-$, ${D_{s}}^+$ and ${D_{s}}^-$ mesons have additional positive mass shifts due to Landau quantization in the presence of the magnetic field. The effects of strangeness fraction are found to be more dominant for the $bar{D}$ mesons as compared to the $D$ mesons. The mass shifts of charmonia are observed to be larger in hyperonic medium compared to the nuclear medium.
