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Field-free spin-orbit torque-induced switching of perpendicular magnetization in a ferrimagnetic layer with vertical composition gradient

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 Added by Zhenyi Zheng
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) are of interest for fast and energy-efficient manipulation of magnetic order in spintronic devices. To be deterministic, however, switching of perpendicularly magnetized materials by SOT requires a mechanism for in-plane symmetry breaking. Existing methods to do so involve the application of an in-plane bias magnetic field, or incorporation of in-plane structural asymmetry in the device, both of which can be difficult to implement in practical applications. Here, we reported bias-field-free SOT switching in a single perpendicular CoTb layer with an engineered vertical composition gradient. The vertical structural inversion asymmetry induces strong intrinsic SOTs and a gradient-driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (g-DMI), which breaks the in-plane symmetry during the switching process. Micromagnetic simulations are in agreement with experimental results, and elucidate the role of g-DMI in the deterministic switching. This bias-field-free switching scheme for perpendicular ferrimagnets with g-DMI provides a strategy for efficient and compact SOT device design.

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Symmetry breaking is a characteristic to determine which branch of a bifurcation system follows upon crossing a critical point. Specifically, in spin-orbit torque (SOT) devices, a fundamental question arises: how to break the symmetry of the perpendicular magnetic moment by the in-plane spin polarization? Here, we show that the chiral symmetry breaking by the DMI can induce the deterministic SOT switching of the perpendicular magnetization. By introducing a gradient of saturation magnetization or magnetic anisotropy, non-collinear spin textures are formed by the gradient of effective SOT strength, and thus the chiral symmetry of the SOT-induced spin textures is broken by the DMI, resulting in the deterministic magnetization switching. We introduce a strategy to induce an out-of-plane (z) gradient of magnetic properties, as a practical solution for the wafer-scale manufacture of SOT devices.
Magnetization reversal of a perpendicular ferromagnetic free layer by spin-orbit torque (SOT) is an attractive alternative to spin-transfer torque (STT) switching in magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) where the write process involves passing a high current across an ultrathin tunnel barrier. A small symmetry-breaking bias field is usually needed for deterministic SOT switching but it is impractical to generate the field externally for spintronic applications. Here, we demonstrate robust zero-field SOT switching of a perpendicular Co90Fe10 (CoFe) free layer where the symmetry is broken by magnetic coupling to a second in-plane exchange-biased CoFe layer via a nonmagnetic Ru spacer. The preferred magnetic state of the free layer is determined by the current polarity and the nature of the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC). Our strategy offers a scalable solution to realize bias-field-free SOT switching that can lead to a generation of SOT-based devices, that combine high storage density and endurance with potentially low power consumption.
We proposed and demonstrated a simple method for detection of in-plane magnetization switching by spin-orbit torque (SOT) in bilayers of non-magnetic / magnetic materials. In our method, SOT is used not only for magnetization switching but also for detection. Our method can detect arbitrary Mx and My component without an external magnetic field, which is useful for fast characterization of type-X, type-Y, and type-XY SOT magnetization switching. Our SOT detection scheme can be utilized not only for fast characterization of SOT switching in bilayers, but also for electrical detection of in-plane magnetic domains in race-track memory.
Current induced spin-orbit torques driven by the conventional spin Hall effect are widely used to manipulate the magnetization. This approach, however, is nondeterministic and inefficient for the switching of magnets with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy that are demanded by the high-density magnetic storage and memory devices. Here, we demonstrate that this limitation can be overcome by exploiting a magnetic spin Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnets, such as Mn3Sn. The magnetic group symmetry of Mn3Sn allows generation of the out-of-plane spin current carrying spin polarization induced by an in-plane charge current. This spin current drives an out-of-plane anti-damping torque providing deterministic switching of perpendicular magnetization of an adjacent Ni/Co multilayer. Compared to the conventional spin-orbit torque devices, the observed switching does not need any external magnetic field and requires much lower current density. Our results demonstrate great prospects of exploiting the magnetic spin Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnets for low-power spintronics.
We theoretically study the influence of a predominant field-like spin-orbit torque on the magnetization switching of small devices with a uniform magnetization. We show that for a certain range of ratios (0.23-0.55) of the Slonczewski to the field-like torques, it is possible to deterministically switch the magnetization without requiring any external assist field. A precise control of the pulse length is not necessary, but the pulse edge sharpness is critical. The proposed switching scheme is numerically verified to be effective in devices by micromagnetic simulations. Switching without any external assist field is of great interest for the application of spin-orbit torques to magnetic memories.
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