Optical manipulation of electronic dimensionality in a quantum material

Abstract in English

Exotic phenomenon can be achieved in quantum materials by confining electronic states into two dimensions. For example, relativistic fermions are realised in a single layer of carbon atoms, the quantized Hall effect can result from two-dimensional (2D) systems, and the superconducting transition temperature can be enhanced significantly in a one-atomic-layer material. Ordinarily, 2D electronic system can be obtained by exfoliating the layered materials, growing monolayer materials on substrates, or establishing interfaces between different materials. Herein, we use femtosecond infrared laser pulses to invert the periodic lattice distortion sectionally in a three-dimensional (3D) charge density wave material, creating macroscopic domain walls of transient 2D ordered electronic states with exotic properties. The corresponding ultrafast electronic and lattice dynamics are captured by time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and MeV ultrafast electron diffraction. Surprisingly, a novel energy gap state, which might be a signature of light-induced superconductivity, is identified in the photoinduced 2D domain wall near the surface. Such optical modulation of atomic motion is a new path to realise 2D electronic states and will be a new platform for creating novel phases in quantum materials.
