Stellar Radial Velocities in the Old Open Cluster M67 (NGC 2682). II. The Spectroscopic Binary Population

Abstract in English

We present and analyse 120 spectroscopic binary and triple cluster members of the old (4 Gyr) open cluster M67 (NGC 2682). As a cornerstone of stellar astrophysics, M67 is a key cluster in the WIYN Open Cluster Study (WOCS); radial-velocity (RV) observations of M67 are ongoing and extend back over 45 years, incorporating data from seven different telescopes, and allowing us to detect binaries with orbital periods <~10^4 days. Our sample contains 1296 stars (604 cluster members) with magnitudes of 10 <= V <= 16.5 (about 1.3 to 0.7 Msolar), from the giants down to ~4 mag below the main-sequence turnoff, and extends in radius to 30 arcminutes (7.4 pc at a distance of 850 pc, or ~7 core radii). This paper focuses primarily on the main-sequence binaries, but orbital solutions are also presented for red giants, yellow giants and sub-subgiants. Out to our period detection limit and within our magnitude and spatial domain, we find a global main-sequence incompleteness-corrected binary fraction of 34% +/- 3%, which rises to 70% +/- 17% in the cluster center. We derive a tidal circularization period of P_circ = 11.0 +1.1 -1.0 days. We also analyze the incompleteness-corrected distributions of binary orbital elements and masses. The period distribution rises toward longer periods. The eccentricity distribution, beyond P_circ, is consistent with a uniform distribution. The mass-ratio distribution is also consistent with a uniform distribution. Overall, these M67 binaries are closely consistent with similar binaries in the galactic field, as well as the old (7 Gyr) open cluster NGC 188. WIYN Open Cluster Study. 83.
