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Nuclear clusters or voids in the inner crust of neutron stars were predicted to have various shapes collectively nicknamed nuclear pasta. The recent review in Ref. cite{Lopez1} by Lopez, Dorso and Frank summarized their systematic investigations into properties especially the morphological and thermodynamical phase transitions of the nuclear pasta within a Classical Molecular Dynamics model, providing further stimuli to find more observational evidences of the predicted nuclear pasta in neutron stars.
Background: Exotic non-spherical nuclear pasta shapes are expected in nuclear matter at just below saturation density because of competition between short range nuclear attraction and long range Coulomb repulsion. Purpose: We explore the impact of nuclear pasta on nucleosynthesis, during neutron star mergers, as cold dense nuclear matter is ejected and decompressed. Methods: We perform classical molecular dynamics simulations with 51200 and 409600 nucleons, that are run on GPUs. We expand our simulation region to decompress systems from an initial density of 0.080 fm^{-3} down to 0.00125 fm^{-3}. We study proton fractions of Y_P=0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40 at T =0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 MeV. We calculate the composition of the resulting systems using a cluster algorithm. Results: We find final compositions that are in good agreement with nuclear statistical equilibrium models for temperatures of 0.75 and 1 MeV. However, for proton fractions greater than Y_P=0.2 at a temperature of T = 0.5 MeV, the MD simulations produce non-equilibrium results with large rod-like nuclei. Conclusions: Our MD model is valid at higher densities than simple nuclear statistical equilibrium models and may help determine the initial temperatures and proton fractions of matter ejected in mergers.
In the framework of the relativistic mean field model with Thomas-Fermi approximation, we study the structures of low density nuclear matter in a three-dimensional geometry with reflection symmetry. The numerical accuracy and efficiency are improved by expanding the mean fields according to fast cosine transformation and considering only one octant of the unit cell. The effect of finite cell size is treated carefully by searching for the optimum cell size. Typical pasta structures (droplet, rod, slab, tube, and bubble) arranged in various crystalline configurations are obtained for both fixed proton fractions and $beta$-equilibration. It is found that the properties of droplets/bubbles are similar in body-centered cubic (BCC) and face-centered cubic (FCC) lattices, where the FCC lattice generally becomes more stable than BCC lattice as density increases. For the rod/tube phases, the honeycomb lattice is always more stable than the simple one. By introducing an $omega$-$rho$ cross coupling term, we further examine the pasta structures with a smaller slope of symmetry energy $L = 41.34$ MeV, which predicts larger onset densities for core-crust transition and non-spherical nuclei. Such a variation due to the reduction of $L$ is expected to have impacts on various properties in neutron stars, supernova dynamics, and binary neutron star mergers.
We review the recent progress on studying the nuclear collective dynamics by solving the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (BUU) equation with the lattice Hamiltonian method treating the collision term by the full-ensemble stochastic collision approach. This lattice BUU (LBUU) method has recently been developed and implemented in a GPU parallel computing technique, and achieves a rather stable nuclear ground-state evolution and high accuracy in evaluating the nucleon-nucleon (NN) collision term. This new LBUU method has been applied to investigate the nuclear isoscalar giant monopole resonances and isovector giant dipole resonances. While the calculations with the LBUU method without the NN collision term (i.e., the lattice Hamiltonian Vlasov method) describe reasonably the excitation energies of nuclear giant resonances, the full LBUU calculations can well reproduce the width of the giant dipole resonance of $^{208}$Pb by including a collisional damping from NN scattering. The observed strong correlation between the width of nuclear giant dipole resonance and the NN elastic cross section suggests that the NN elastic scattering plays an important role in nuclear collective dynamics, and the width of nuclear giant dipole resonance provides a good probe of the in-medium NN elastic cross section.
Nuclear matter under astrophysical conditions is explored with time-dependent and static Hartree-Fock calculations. The focus is in a regime of densities where matter segregates into liquid and gaseous phases unfolding a rich scenario of geometries, often called nuclear pasta shapes (e.g. spaghetti, lasagna). Particularly the appearance of the different phases depending on the proton fraction and the transition to uniform matter are investigated. In this context the neutron background density is of special interest, because it plays a crucial role for the type of pasta shape which is built. The study is performed in two dynamical ranges, one for hot matter and one at temperature zero to investigate the effect of cooling.
The formation of complex nonuniform phases of nuclear matter, known as nuclear pasta, is studied with molecular dynamics simulations containing 51200 nucleons. A phenomenological nuclear interaction is used that reproduces the saturation binding energy and density of nuclear matter. Systems are prepared at an initial density of 0.10fm$^{-3}$ and then the density is decreased by expanding the simulation volume at different rates to densities of 0.01 fm$^{-3}$ or less. An originally uniform system of nuclear matter is observed to form spherical bubbles (swiss cheese), hollow tubes, flat plates (lasagna), thin rods (spaghetti) and, finally, nearly spherical nuclei with decreasing density. We explicitly observe nucleation mechanisms, with decreasing density, for these different pasta phase transitions. Topological quantities known as Minkowski functionals are obtained to characterize the pasta shapes. Different pasta shapes are observed depending on the expansion rate. This indicates non equilibrium effects. We use this to determine the best ways to obtain lower energy states of the pasta system from MD simulations and to place constrains on the equilibration time of the system.