Combined Constraints on First Generation Leptoquarks

Abstract in English

In this article we perform a combined analysis of low energy precision constraints and LHC searches for leptoquarks which couple to first generation fermions. Considering all ten leptoquark representations, five scalar and five vector ones, we study at the precision frontier the constraints from $Ktopi u u$, $Ktopi e^+e^-$, $K^0-bar K^0$ and $D^0-bar D^0$ mixing, as well as from experiments searching for parity violation (APV and QWEAK). We include LHC searches for $s$-channel single resonant production, pair production and Drell-Yan-like signatures of leptoquarks. Interestingly, we find that the recent non-resonant di-lepton analysis of ATLAS provides stronger bounds than the resonant searches recasted so far to constrain $t$-channel production of leptoquarks. Taking into account all these bounds, we observe that none of the leptoquark representations can address the so-called Cabibbo angle anomaly via a direct contribution to super-allowed beta decays.
