VANDELS is an ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey designed to build a sample of high signal to noise, medium resolution spectra of galaxies at redshift between 1 and 6.5. Here we present the final Public Data Release of the VANDELS Survey, comprising 2087 redshift measurements. We give a detailed description of sample selection, observations and data reduction procedures. The final catalogue reaches a target selection completeness of 40% at iAB = 25. The high Signal to Noise ratio of the spectra (above 7 in 80% of the spectra) and the dispersion of 2.5{AA} allowed us to measure redshifts with high precision, the redshift measurement success rate reaching almost 100%. Together with the redshift catalogue and the reduced spectra, we also provide optical mid-IR photometry and physical parameters derived through SED fitting. The observed galaxy sample comprises both passive and star forming galaxies covering a stellar mass range 8.3< Log(M*/Msolar)<11.7. All catalogues and spectra are accessible through the survey database ( where all information can be queried interactively, and via the ESO Archive (