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Self-Organizing Intelligent Matter: A blueprint for an AI generating algorithm

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 Added by Karol Gregor
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We propose an artificial life framework aimed at facilitating the emergence of intelligent organisms. In this framework there is no explicit notion of an agent: instead there is an environment made of atomic elements. These elements contain neural operations and interact through exchanges of information and through physics-like rules contained in the environment. We discuss how an evolutionary process can lead to the emergence of different organisms made of many such atomic elements which can coexist and thrive in the environment. We discuss how this forms the basis of a general AI generating algorithm. We provide a simplified implementation of such system and discuss what advances need to be made to scale it up further.

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103 - M. Andrecut 2021
We discuss a diffusion based implementation of the self-organizing map on the unit hypersphere. We show that this approach can be efficiently implemented using just linear algebra methods, we give a python numpy implementation, and we illustrate the approach using the well known MNIST dataset.
This paper proposes a new memetic evolutionary algorithm to achieve explicit learning in rule-based nurse rostering, which involves applying a set of heuristic rules for each nurses assignment. The main framework of the algorithm is an estimation of distribution algorithm, in which an ant-miner methodology improves the individual solutions produced in each generation. Unlike our previous work (where learning is implicit), the learning in the memetic estimation of distribution algorithm is explicit, i.e. we are able to identify building blocks directly. The overall approach learns by building a probabilistic model, i.e. an estimation of the probability distribution of individual nurse-rule pairs that are used to construct schedules. The local search processor (i.e. the ant-miner) reinforces nurse-rule pairs that receive higher rewards. A challenging real world nurse rostering problem is used as the test problem. Computational results show that the proposed approach outperforms most existing approaches. It is suggested that the learning methodologies suggested in this paper may be applied to other scheduling problems where schedules are built systematically according to specific rules
This paper describes a Genetic Algorithms approach to a manpower-scheduling problem arising at a major UK hospital. Although Genetic Algorithms have been successfully used for similar problems in the past, they always had to overcome the limitations of the classical Genetic Algorithms paradigm in handling the conflict between objectives and constraints. The approach taken here is to use an indirect coding based on permutations of the nurses, and a heuristic decoder that builds schedules from these permutations. Computational experiments based on 52 weeks of live data are used to evaluate three different decoders with varying levels of intelligence, and four well-known crossover operators. Results are further enhanced by introducing a hybrid crossover operator and by making use of simple bounds to reduce the size of the solution space. The results reveal that the proposed algorithm is able to find high quality solutions and is both faster and more flexible than a recently published Tabu Search approach.
99 - Richard S. Barr 2020
We propose a new self-organizing algorithm for fixed-charge network flow problems based on ghost image (GI) processes as proposed in Glover (1994) and adapted to fixed-charge transportation problems in Glover, Amini and Kochenberger (2005). Our self-organizing GI algorithm iteratively modifies an idealized representation of the problem embodied in a parametric ghost image, enabling all steps to be performed with a primal network flow algorithm operating on the parametric GI. Computational tests are carried out on an extensive set of benchmark problems which includes the previous largest set in the literature, comparing our algorithm to the best methods previously proposed for fixed-charge transportation problems, though our algorithm is not specialized to this class. We also provide comparisons for additional more general fixed-charge network flow problems against Cplex 12.8 to demonstrate that the new self-organizing GI algorithm is effective on large problem instances, finding solutions with statistically equivalent objective values at least 700 times faster. The attractive outcomes produced by the current GI/TS implementation provide a significant advance in our ability to solve fixed-cost network problems efficiently and invites its use for larger instances from a variety of application domains.
175 - Uwe Aickelin , Jingpeng Li 2008
Schedules can be built in a similar way to a human scheduler by using a set of rules that involve domain knowledge. This paper presents an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (eda) for the nurse scheduling problem, which involves choosing a suitable scheduling rule from a set for the assignment of each nurse. Unlike previous work that used Genetic Algorithms (ga) to implement implicit learning, the learning in the proposed algorithm is explicit, i.e. we identify and mix building blocks directly. The eda is applied to implement such explicit learning by building a Bayesian network of the joint distribution of solutions. The conditional probability of each variable in the network is computed according to an initial set of promising solutions. Subsequently, each new instance for each variable is generated by using the corresponding conditional probabilities, until all variables have been generated, i.e. in our case, a new rule string has been obtained. Another set of rule strings will be generated in this way, some of which will replace previous strings based on fitness selection. If stopping conditions are not met, the conditional probabilities for all nodes in the Bayesian network are updated again using the current set of promising rule strings. Computational results from 52 real data instances demonstrate the success of this approach. It is also suggested that the learning mechanism in the proposed approach might be suitable for other scheduling problems.
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