Constraints on the acceleration region of type III radio bursts from decimetric radio spikes and faint X-ray bursts

Abstract in English

We study the release of energy during the gradual phase of a flare, characterized by faint bursts of non-thermal hard X-ray (HXR) emission associated with decimetric radio spikes and type III radio bursts starting at high frequencies and extending to the heliosphere. We characterize the site of electron acceleration in the corona and study the radial evolution of radio source sizes in the high corona. Imaging and spectroscopy of the HXR emission with Fermi and RHESSI provide a diagnostic of the accelerated electrons in the corona as well as a lower limit on the height of the acceleration region. Radio observations in the decimetric range with the ORFEES spectrograph provide radio diagnostics close to the acceleration region. Radio spectro-imaging with LOFAR in the meter range provide the evolution of the radio source sizes with their distance from the Sun, in the high corona. Non-thermal HXR bursts and radio spikes are well correlated on short timescales. The spectral index of non-thermal HXR emitting electrons is -4 and their number is about $2times 10^{33}$ electrons/s. The density of the acceleration region is constrained between $1-5 times 10^9$ cm$^{-3}$. Electrons accelerated upward rapidly become unstable to Langmuir wave production, leading to high starting frequencies of the type III radio bursts, and the elongation of the radio beam at its source is between 0.5 and 11.4 Mm. The radio source sizes and their gradient observed with LOFAR are larger than the expected size and gradient of the size of the electron beam, assuming it follows the expansion of the magnetic flux tubes. These observations support the idea that the fragmentation of the radio emission into spikes is linked to the fragmentation of the acceleration process itself. The combination of HXR and radio diagnostics in the corona provides strong constrains on the site of electron acceleration.
