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Standard convolutional neural networks assume a grid structured input is available and exploit discrete convolutions as their fundamental building blocks. This limits their applicability to many real-world applications. In this paper we propose Parametric Continuous Convolution, a new learnable operator that operates over non-grid structured data. The key idea is to exploit parameterized kernel functions that span the full continuous vector space. This generalization allows us to learn over arbitrary data structures as long as their support relationship is computable. Our experiments show significant improvement over the state-of-the-art in point cloud segmentation of indoor and outdoor scenes, and lidar motion estimation of driving scenes.
Thanks to the use of convolution and pooling layers, convolutional neural networks were for a long time thought to be shift-invariant. However, recent works have shown that the output of a CNN can change significantly with small shifts in input: a problem caused by the presence of downsampling (stride) layers. The existing solutions rely either on data augmentation or on anti-aliasing, both of which have limitations and neither of which enables perfect shift invariance. Additionally, the gains obtained from these methods do not extend to image patterns not seen during training. To address these challenges, we propose adaptive polyphase sampling (APS), a simple sub-sampling scheme that allows convolutional neural networks to achieve 100% consistency in classification performance under shifts, without any loss in accuracy. With APS, the networks exhibit perfect consistency to shifts even before training, making it the first approach that makes convolutional neural networks truly shift-invariant.
The advancement of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on various vision applications has attracted lots of attention. Yet the majority of CNNs are unable to satisfy the strict requirement for real-world deployment. To overcome this, the recent popular network pruning is an effective method to reduce the redundancy of the models. However, the ranking of filters according to their importance on different pruning criteria may be inconsistent. One filter could be important according to a certain criterion, while it is unnecessary according to another one, which indicates that each criterion is only a partial view of the comprehensive importance. From this motivation, we propose a novel framework to integrate the existing filter pruning criteria by exploring the criteria diversity. The proposed framework contains two stages: Criteria Clustering and Filters Importance Calibration. First, we condense the pruning criteria via layerwise clustering based on the rank of importance score. Second, within each cluster, we propose a calibration factor to adjust their significance for each selected blending candidates and search for the optimal blending criterion via Evolutionary Algorithm. Quantitative results on the CIFAR-100 and ImageNet benchmarks show that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines, regrading to the compact model performance after pruning.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been proven to be extremely successful at solving computer vision tasks. State-of-the-art methods favor such deep network architectures for its accuracy performance, with the cost of having massive number of parameters and high weights redundancy. Previous works have studied how to prune such CNNs weights. In this paper, we go to another extreme and analyze the performance of a network stacked with a single convolution kernel across layers, as well as other weights sharing techniques. We name it Deep Anchored Convolutional Neural Network (DACNN). Sharing the same kernel weights across layers allows to reduce the model size tremendously, more precisely, the network is compressed in memory by a factor of L, where L is the desired depth of the network, disregarding the fully connected layer for prediction. The number of parameters in DACNN barely increases as the network grows deeper, which allows us to build deep DACNNs without any concern about memory costs. We also introduce a partial shared weights network (DACNN-mix) as well as an easy-plug-in module, coined regulators, to boost the performance of our architecture. We validated our idea on 3 datasets: CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and SVHN. Our results show that we can save massive amounts of memory with our model, while maintaining a high accuracy performance.
Deep neural networks can suffer from the exploding and vanishing activation problem, in which the networks fail to train properly because the neural signals either amplify or attenuate across the layers and become saturated. While other normalization methods aim to fix the stated problem, most of them have inference speed penalties in those applications that require running averages of the neural activations. Here we extend the unitary framework based on Lie algebra to neural networks of any dimensionalities, overcoming the major constraints of the prior arts that limit synaptic weights to be square matrices. Our proposed unitary convolutional neural networks deliver up to 32% faster inference speeds and up to 50% reduction in permanent hard disk space while maintaining competitive prediction accuracy.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have so far been the de-facto model for visual data. Recent work has shown that (Vision) Transformer models (ViT) can achieve comparable or even superior performance on image classification tasks. This raises a central question: how are Vision Transformers solving these tasks? Are they acting like convolutional networks, or learning entirely different visual representations? Analyzing the internal representation structure of ViTs and CNNs on image classification benchmarks, we find striking differences between the two architectures, such as ViT having more uniform representations across all layers. We explore how these differences arise, finding crucial roles played by self-attention, which enables early aggregation of global information, and ViT residual connections, which strongly propagate features from lower to higher layers. We study the ramifications for spatial localization, demonstrating ViTs successfully preserve input spatial information, with noticeable effects from different classification methods. Finally, we study the effect of (pretraining) dataset scale on intermediate features and transfer learning, and conclude with a discussion on connections to new architectures such as the MLP-Mixer.