Fully automated 3D segmentation of dopamine transporter SPECT images using an estimation-based approach

Abstract in English

Quantitative measures of uptake in caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus in dopamine transporter (DaT) brain SPECT have potential as biomarkers for the severity of Parkinson disease. Reliable quantification of uptake requires accurate segmentation of these regions. However, segmentation is challenging in DaT SPECT due to partial-volume effects, system noise, physiological variability, and the small size of these regions. To address these challenges, we propose an estimation-based approach to segmentation. This approach estimates the posterior mean of the fractional volume occupied by caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus within each voxel of a 3D SPECT image. The estimate is obtained by minimizing a cost function based on the binary cross-entropy loss between the true and estimated fractional volumes over a population of SPECT images, where the distribution of the true fractional volumes is obtained from magnetic resonance images from clinical populations. The proposed method accounts for both the sources of partial-volume effects in SPECT, namely the limited system resolution and tissue-fraction effects. The method was implemented using an encoder-decoder network and evaluated using realistic clinically guided SPECT simulation studies, where the ground-truth fractional volumes were known. The method significantly outperformed all other considered segmentation methods and yielded accurate segmentation with dice similarity coefficients of ~ 0.80 for all regions. The method was relatively insensitive to changes in voxel size. Further, the method was relatively robust up to +/- 10 degrees of patient head tilt along transaxial, sagittal, and coronal planes. Overall, the results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method to yield accurate fully automated segmentation of caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus in 3D DaT-SPECT images.
