Quasi-one-dimensional magnetism in the spin-$frac12$ antiferromagnet BaNa$_{2}$Cu(VO$_{4}$)$_{2}$

Abstract in English

We report synthesis and magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional spin-$frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain compound BaNa$_2$Cu(VO$_4$)$_2$. This orthovanadate has a centrosymmetric crystal structure, $C2/c$, where the magnetic Cu$^{2+}$ ions form spin chains. These chains are arranged in layers, with the chain direction changing by 62$^0$ between the two successive layers. Alternatively, the spin lattice can be viewed as anisotropic triangular layers upon taking the inter-chain interactions into consideration. Despite this potential structural complexity, temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, ESR intensity, and NMR shift agree well with the uniform spin-$1/2$ Heisenberg chain model with an intrachain coupling of $J/k_{rm B} simeq 5.6$ K. The saturation field obtained from the magnetic isotherm measurement consistently reproduces the value of $J/k_{rm B}$. Further, the $^{51}$V NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate mimics the 1D character in the intermediate temperature range, whereas magnetic long-range order sets in below $T_{rm N} simeq 0.25$ K. The effective interchain coupling is estimated to be $J_{perp}/k_{rm B} simeq 0.1$ K. The theoretical estimation of exchange couplings using band-structure calculations reciprocate our experimental findings and unambiguously establish the 1D character of the compound. Finally, the spin lattice of BaNa$_2$Cu(VO$_4$)$_2$ is compared with the chemically similar but not isostructural compound BaAg$_2$Cu(VO$_4)_2$.
