Tailoring anisotropic absorption in borophene-based structure via critical coupling

Abstract in English

The research of two-dimensional (2D) materials with atomic-scale thicknesses and unique optical properties has become a frontier in photonics and electronics. Borophene, a newly reported 2D material provides a novel building block for nanoscale materials and devices. We present a simple borophene-based absorption structure to boost the light-borophene interaction via critical coupling in the visible wavelengths. The proposed structure consists of borophene monolayer deposited on a photonic crystal slab backed with a metallic mirror. The numerical simulations and theoretical analysis show that the light absorption of the structure can be remarkably enhanced as high as 99.80% via critical coupling mechanism with guided resonance, and the polarization-dependent absorption behaviors are demonstrated due to the strong anisotropy of borophene. We also examine the tunability of the absorption behaviors by adjusting carrier density and lifetime of borophene, air hole radius in the slab, the incident angle and polarization angle. The proposed absorption structure provides novel access to the flexible and effective manipulation of light-borophene interactions in the visible, and shows a good prospect for the future borophene-based electronic and photonic devices.
