Structural Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition for a Bose Gas in Multi-Rods

Abstract in English

We report on a novel structural Superfluid-Mott Insulator (SF-MI) quantum phase transition for an interacting one-dimensional Bose gas within permeable multi-rod lattices, where the rod lengths are varied from zero to the lattice period length. We use the ab-initio diffusion Monte Carlo method to calculate the static structure factor, the insulation gap, and the Luttinger parameter, which we use to determine if the gas is a superfluid or a Mott insulator. For the Bose gas within a square Kronig-Penney (KP) potential, where barrier and well widths are equal, the SF-MI coexistence curve shows the same qualitative and quantitative behavior as that of a typical optical lattice with equal periodicity but slightly larger height. When we vary the width of the barriers from zero to the length of the potential period, keeping the height of the KP barriers, we observe a new way to induce the SF-MI phase transition. Our results are of significant interest, given the recent progress on the realization of optical lattices with a subwavelength structure that would facilitate their experimental observation.
