Deploying heavier $eta$ meson states: configurational entropy hybridizing AdS/QCD

Abstract in English

The meson family of $eta$ pseudoscalars is studied in the context of the AdS/QCD correspondence and the differential configurational entropy (DCE). For it, two forms of configurational-entropic Regge-like trajectories are engendered, relating the $eta$ mesonic states excitation number to both their experimental mass spectrum in the Particle Data Group (PDG) and the DCE as well. Hence, the mass spectrum of $eta$ pseudoscalar mesonic states, beyond the already detected states $eta(550)$, $eta(958)$, $eta(1295)$, $eta(1405)$, $eta(1475)$, $eta(1760)$, $eta(2225)$, and $eta(2320)$, is derived for any excitation number. The three first ulterior members of this family are then analyzed and also compared to existing candidates in PDG.
