Primal-dual $varepsilon$-Subgradient Method for Distributed Optimization

Abstract in English

This paper studies the distributed optimization problem where the objective functions might be nondifferentiable and subject to heterogeneous set constraints. Unlike existing subgradient methods, we focus on the case when the exact subgradients of the local objective functions can not be accessed by the agents. To solve this problem, we propose a projected primal-dual dynamics using only the objective functions approximate subgradients. We first prove that the formulated optimization problem can only be solved with an approximate error depending upon the accuracy of the available subgradients. Then, we show the exact solvability of this optimization problem if the accumulated approximation error is not too large. After that, we also give a novel componentwise normalized variant to improve the transient behavior of the convergent sequence. The effectiveness of our algorithms is verified by a numerical example.
