Alfvenic versus non-Alfvenic turbulence in the inner heliosphere as observed by Parker Solar Probe

Abstract in English

We make use of the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) data to explore the nature of solar wind turbulence focusing on the Alfvenic character and power spectra of the fluctuations and their dependence on distance and context (i.e. large scale solar wind properties), aiming to understand the role that different effects such as source properties, solar wind expansion, stream interaction might play in determining the turbulent state. We carry out a statistical survey of the data from the first five orbits of PSP with a focus on how the fluctuation properties at the large, MHD scales, vary with different solar wind streams and distance from the Sun. A more in-depth analysis from several selected periods is also presented. Our results show that as fluctuations are transported outward by the solar wind, the magnetic field spectrum steepens while the shape of the velocity spectrum remains unchanged. The steepening process is controlled by the age of the turbulence, determined by the wind speed together with the radial distance. Statistically, faster solar wind has higher Alfvenicity, with more dominant outward propagating wave component and more balanced magnetic/kinetic energies. The outward wave dominance gradually weakens with radial distance, while the excess of magnetic energy is found to be stronger as we move closer toward the Sun. We show that the turbulence properties can vary significantly stream to stream even if these streams are of similar speed, indicating very different origins of these streams. Especially, the slow wind that originates near the polar coronal holes has much lower Alfvenicity compared with the slow wind that originates from the active regions/pseudostreamers. We show that structures such as heliospheric current sheets and velocity shears can play an important role in modifying the properties of the turbulence.
