Increasing the dimension of the maximal pure coherent subspace of a state via incoherent operations

Abstract in English

Quantum states transformation under free operations plays a central role in the resource theory of coherence. In this paper, we investigate the transformation from a mixed coherent state into a pure one by using both incoherent operations and stochastic incoherent operations. We show that contrary to the strictly incoherent operations and the stochastic strictly incoherent operations, both the incoherent operations and the stochastic incoherent operations can increase the dimension of the maximal pure coherent subspace of a state. This means that the incoherent operations are generally stronger than the strictly incoherent operations when we want to transform a mixed coherent state into a pure coherent one. Our findings can also be interpreted as confirming the ability of incoherent operations to enhance the coherence of mixed states relative to certain coherence monotones under strictly incoherent operations.
