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Laser spectroscopy of neutron-rich $^{207,208}$Hg isotopes: Illuminating the kink and odd-even staggering in charge radii across the $N=126$ shell closure

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 Added by Anatoli Afanasjev
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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The mean-square charge radii of $^{207,208}$Hg ($Z=80, N=127,128$) have been studied for the first time and those of $^{202,203,206}$Hg ($N=122,123,126$) remeasured by the application of in-source resonance-ionization laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE (CERN). The characteristic textit{kink} in the charge radii at the $N=126$ neutron shell closure has been revealed, providing the first information on its behavior below the $Z=82$ proton shell closure. A theoretical analysis has been performed within relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov and non-relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approaches, considering both the new mercury results and existing lead data. Contrary to previous interpretations, it is demonstrated that both the kink at $N=126$ and the odd-even staggering (OES) in its vicinity can be described predominately at the mean-field level, and that pairing does not need to play a crucial role in their origin. A new OES mechanism is suggested, related to the staggering in the occupation of the different neutron orbitals in odd- and even-$A$ nuclei, facilitated by particle-vibration coupling for odd-$A$ nuclei.

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The mesoscopic nature of the atomic nucleus gives rise to a wide array of macroscopic and microscopic phenomena. The size of the nucleus is a window into this duality: while the charge radii globally scale as $A^{1/3}$, their evolution across isotopic chains reveals unanticipated structural phenomena [1-3]. The most ubiquitous of these is perhaps the Odd-Even Staggering (OES) [4]: isotopes with an odd number of neutrons are usually smaller in size than the trend of their even-neutron neighbours suggests. This OES effect varies with the number of protons and neutrons and poses a significant challenge for nuclear theory [5-7]. Here, we examine this problem with new measurements of the charge radii of short-lived copper isotopes up to the very exotic $^{78}$Cu $(Z=29, N=49)$, produced at only 20 ions/s, using the highly-sensitive Collinear Resonance Ionisation Spectroscopy (CRIS) method at ISOLDE-CERN. Due to the presence of a single proton outside of the closed Z=28 shell, these measurements provide crucial insights into the single-particle proton structure and how this affects the charge radii. We observe an unexpected reduction in the OES for isotopes approaching the $N=50$ shell gap. To describe the data, we applied models based on nuclear Density Functional Theory [2,8] (DFT) and ab-initio Valence-Space In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group (VS-IMSRG) theory [9,10]. Through these comparisons, we demonstrate a relation between the global behavior of charge radii and the saturation density of nuclear matter, and show that the local charge radii variations, which reflect the many-body polarization effects due to the odd neutron, naturally emerge from the VS-IMSRG calculations.
A unified theoretical model reproducing charge radii of known atomic nuclei plays an essential role to make extrapolations in the regions of unknown nuclear size. Recently developed new ansatz which phenomenally takes into account the neutron-proton short-range correlations (np-SRCs) can describe the discontinuity properties and odd-even staggering (OES) effect of charge radii along isotopic chains remarkably well. In this work, we further review the modified rms charge radii formula in the framework of relativistic mean field (RMF) theory. The charge radii are calculated along various isotopic chains that include the nuclei featuring the $N=50$ and $82$ magic shells. Our results suggest that RMF with and without considering correction term give almost similar trend of nuclear size for some isotopic chains with open proton shell, especially the shrink phenomena of charge radii at strong neutron closed shells and the OES behaviors. This suggests that the np-SRCs has almost no influence for some nuclei due to the strong coupling between different levels around Fermi surface. The weakening OES behavior of nuclear charge radii is observed generally at completely filled neutron shells and this may be proposed as a signature of magic indicator.
A precision mass investigation of the neutron-rich titanium isotopes $^{51-55}$Ti was performed at TRIUMFs Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear science (TITAN). The range of the measurements covers the $N=32$ shell closure and the overall uncertainties of the $^{52-55}$Ti mass values were significantly reduced. Our results confirm the existence of a weak shell effect at $N=32$, establishing the abrupt onset of this shell closure. Our data were compared with state-of-the-art textit{ab-initio} shell model calculations which, despite very successfully describing where the $N=32$ shell gap is strong, overpredict its strength and extent in titanium and heavier isotones. These measurements also represent the first scientific results of TITAN using the newly commissioned Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS), substantiated by independent measurements from TITANs Penning trap mass spectrometer.
Mass distributions of the fragments in the fission of $^{206}$Po and the N=126 neutron shell closed nucleus $^{210}$Po have been measured. No significant deviation of mass distributions has been found between $^{206}$Po and $^{210}$Po, indicating the absence of shell correction at the saddle point in both the nuclei, contrary to the reported angular anisotropy and pre-scission neutron multiplicity results. This new result provides benchmark data to test the new fission dynamical models to study the effect of shell correction on the potential energy surface at saddle point.
We probe the $N=82$ nuclear shell closure by mass measurements of neutron-rich cadmium isotopes with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer at ISOLDE-CERN. The new mass of $^{132}$Cd offers the first value of the $N=82$, two-neutron shell gap below $Z=50$ and confirms the phenomenon of mutually enhanced magicity at $^{132}$Sn. Using the recently implemented phase-imaging ion-cyclotron-resonance method, the ordering of the low-lying isomers in $^{129}$Cd and their energies are determined. The new experimental findings are used to test large-scale shell-model, mean-field and beyond-mean-field calculations, as well as the ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group.
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