Origin of destruction of multiferroicity in Tb2BaNiO5 by Sr doping and its implications

Abstract in English

The orthorhombic Haldane spin chain compound Tb2BaNiO5 (Neel order, TN1= 63 K) has been shown to be an exotic multiferroic system below (TN2) 25 K due to various fascinating features, pointing to a strong potential for the advancement of concepts in this field. In particular, the rare-earth ions play a direct decisive role unlike in many other well known multiferroic materials and there appears to be a critical canting angle, developing below TN2, subtended by Tb 4f and Ni 3d moments to trigger this cross coupling phenomenon. However, for a small replacement of Sr for Ba, viz. in Tb2Ba0.9Sr0.1NiO5, ferroelectricity was reported to get destroyed, but retaining magnetic features at (TN1) 55 K and (TN2) 14 K. In this article, we address the origin of suppression of multiferrocity in this Sr doped system through neutron diffraction studies and density functional theory calculations. We find that, unlike in Tb2BaNiO5, there is no pronounced change in the relative canting angle of the magnetic moments around TN2 and that the absolute value of this parameter down to 2 K fails to exceed the critical value noted for the parent, thereby explaining the origin of destruction of magnetoelectric coupling in the Sr doped material. This finding renders strong support to the proposal of possible existence of critical canting angle, at least in some cases, to induce multiferroicity, apart from serving as a route to engineer multiferroic materials for applications.
