Information Restrain in Open Quantum Systems

Abstract in English

Non-Hermitian skin effect of Liouvillian superoperators in quantum open systems can induce phenomena of non-trivial damping, known as chiral/helical damping. While non-Hermitian skin effect and chiral/helical damping occur only under open boundary condition, we propose an effect called information restrain which does not rely on boundary conditions. We demonstrate that information restrain is stable against disorder and is an intrinsic property of a type of open quantum systems or non-Hermitian system. Then we define the strength of information restrain $I_R$, which describes the ratio of different decay rates of signals strengthes along opposite propagation directions. Based on information restrain, We can provide a simple and elegant explanation of chiral and helical damping, and get the local maximum of relative particle number for periodical boundary system, consistent with numerical calculations. In terms of information restrain, we also illustrate the existence of correspondence between edge modes and damping modes and deduce that there are many chiral/helical transport properties in this information restrain class.
