Incipient Formation of the Reentrant Insulating Phase in a Dilute 2D Hole System with Strong Interactions

Abstract in English

A new reentrant insulating phase (RIP) in low magnetic fields has been reported in the literature in strongly interacting 2D carrier systems and was suggested to be related to the formation of a Wigner crystal [e.g. Qiu et al, PRL 108, 106404 (2012)]. We have studied the transformation between the metallic liquid phase and the low field RIP in a dilute 2D hole system with large interaction parameter $r_s$ (~20-30) in GaAs quantum wells. Instead of a sharp transition, increasing density (or lowering $r_s$) drives the RIP into a state where an incipient RIP coexists with the metallic 2D hole liquid. The non-trivial temperature dependent resistivity and the in-plane magnetic field induced enhancement of the RIP highlight the competition between two phases and the essential role of spin in this mixture phase, and are consistent with the Pomeranchuk effect in a mixture of Wigner crystal and Fermi liquid.
