Left-Right Symmetric Model without Higgs Triplets

Abstract in English

We develop a minimal left-right symmetric model based on the gauge group $SU(3)_C otimes SU(2)_L otimes SU(2)_R otimes U(1)_{B-L}$ wherein the Higgs triplets conventionally employed for symmetry breaking are replaced by Higgs doublets. Majorana masses for the right-handed neutrinos $( u_R$) are induced via two-loop diagrams involving a charged scalar field $eta^+$. This setup is shown to provide excellent fits to neutrino oscillation data via the seesaw mechanism for the entire range of the $W_R^pm$ mass, from TeV to the GUT scale. When the $W_R^pm$ mass is at the TeV scale, the $ u_R$ masses turn out to be in the MeV range. We analyze constraints from low energy experiments, early universe cosmology and from supernova 1987a on such a scenario and show its consistency. We also study collider implications of a relatively light $eta^+$ scalar through its decay into multi-lepton final states and derive a lower limit of 390 GeV on its mass from the LHC, which can be improved to 555 GeV in its high luminosity run.
