Accurate Object Association and Pose Updating for Semantic SLAM

Abstract in English

Nowadays in the field of semantic SLAM, how to correctly use semantic information for data association is still a problem worthy of study. The key to solving this problem is to correctly associate multiple object measurements of one object landmark, and refine the pose of object landmark. However, different objects locating closely are prone to be associated as one object landmark, and it is difficult to pick up a best pose from multiple object measurements associated with one object landmark. To tackle these problems, we propose a hierarchical object association strategy by means of multiple object tracking, through which closing objects will be correctly associated to different object landmarks, and an approach to refine the pose of object landmark from multiple object measurements. The proposed method is evaluated on a simulated sequence and several sequences in the Kitti dataset. Experimental results show a very impressive improvement with respect to the traditional SLAM and the state-of-the-art semantic SLAM method.
