Generator coordinate method with a conjugate momentum: application to the particle number projection

Abstract in English

We discuss an extension of the generator coordinate method (GCM) by taking simultaneously a collective coordinate and its conjugate momentum as generator coordinates. To this end, we follow the idea of the dynamical GCM (DGCM) proposed by Goeke and Reinhard. We first show that the DGCM method can be regarded as an extension of the double projection method for the center of mass motion. As an application of DGCM, we then investigate the particle number projection, for which we not only carry out an integral over the gauge angle as in the usual particle number projection but also take a linear superposition of BCS states which have different mean particle numbers. We show that the ground state energy is significantly lowered by such effect, especially for magic nuclei for which the pairing gap is zero in the BCS approximation. This suggests that the present method makes a good alternative to the variation after projection (VAP) method, as the method is much simpler than the VAP.
