Sequential deconfinement in $3d$ $mathcal{N}!=!2$ gauge theories

Abstract in English

We consider $3d$ $mathcal{N}!=!2$ gauge theories with fundamental matter plus a single field in a rank-$2$ representation. Using iteratively a process of deconfinement of the rank-$2$ field, we produce a sequence of Seiberg-dual quiver theories. We detail this process in two examples with zero superpotential: $Usp(2N)$ gauge theory with an antisymmetric field and $U(N)$ gauge theory with an adjoint field. The fully deconfined dual quiver has $N$ nodes, and can be interpreted as an Aharony dual of theories with rank-$2$ matter. All chiral ring generators of the original theory are mapped into gauge singlet fields of the fully deconfined quiver dual.
