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On class number relations, intersections, and GL(2)-tale over the function field side

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 Added by Fu-Tsun Wei
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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The aim of this paper is to study class number relations over function fields and the intersections of Hirzebruch-Zagier type divisors on the Drinfeld-Stuhler modular surfaces. The main bridge is a particular harmonic theta series with nebentypus. Using the strong approximation theorem, the Fourier coefficients of this series are expressed in two ways; one comes from modified Hurwitz class numbers and another gives the intersection numbers in question. An elaboration of this approach enables us to interpret these class numbers as a mass sum over the CM points on the Drinfeld-Stuhler modular curves, and even realize the generating function as a metaplectic automorphic form.

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103 - Jia-Wei Guo , Yifan Yang 2019
By considering the intersections of Shimura curves and Humbert surfaces on the Siegel modular threefold, we obtain new class number relations. The result is a higher-dimensional analogue of the classical Hurwitz-Kronecker class number relation.
We solve the sup-norm problem for spherical Hecke-Maass newforms of square-free level for the group GL(2) over a number field, with a power saving over the local geometric bound simultaneously in the eigenvalue and the level aspect. Our bounds feature a Weyl-type exponent in the level aspect, they reproduce or improve upon all known special cases, and over totally real fields they are as strong as the best known hybrid result over the rationals.
In this paper we shall prove a subconvexity bound for $GL(2) times GL(2)$ $L$-function in $t$-aspect by using a $GL(1)$ circle method.
In this paper, we study simple cubic fields in the function field setting, and also generalize the notion of a set of exceptional units to cubic function fields, namely the notion of $k$-exceptional units. We give a simple proof that the Galois simple cubic function fields are the immediate analog of Shanks simplest cubic number fields. In addition to computing the invariants, including a formula for the regulator, we compute the class numbers of the Galois simple cubic function fields over $mathbb{F}_{5}$ and $mathbb{F}_{7}$ using truncated Euler products. Finally, as an additional application, we determine all Galois simple cubic function fields with class number one, subject to a mild restriction.
We present computational results on the divisor class number and the regulator of a cubic function field over a large base field. The underlying method is based on approximations of the Euler product representation of the zeta function of such a field. We give details on the implementation for purely cubic function fields of signatures $(3,1)$ and $(1, 1; 1, 2)$, operating in the ideal class group and infrastructure of the function field, respectively. Our implementation provides numerical evidence of the computational effectiveness of this algorithm. With the exception of special cases, such as purely cubic function fields defined by superelliptic curves, the examples provided are the largest divisor class numbers and regulators ever computed for a cubic function field over a large prime field. The ideas underlying the optimization of the class number algorithm can in turn be used to analyze the distribution of the zeros of the function fields zeta function. We provide a variety of data on a certain distribution of the divisor class number that verify heuristics by Katz and Sarnak on the distribution of the zeroes of the zeta function.
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