Monopoles and dualities in $3d$ $mathcal{N}=2$ quivers

Abstract in English

Seiberg-like dualities in $2+1$d quiver gauge theories with $4$ supercharges are investigated. We consider quivers made of various combinations of classical gauge groups $U(N)$, $Sp(N)$, $SO(N)$ and $SU(N)$. Our main focus is the mapping of the supersymmetric monopole operators across the dual theories. There is a simple general rule that encodes the mapping of the monopoles upon dualising a single node. This rule dictates the mapping of all the monopoles which are not dressed by baryonic operators. We also study more general situations involving baryons and baryon-monopoles, focussing on three examples: $SU-Sp$, $SO-SO$ and $SO-Sp$ quivers.
