Fracton excitations in classical frustrated kagome spin models

Abstract in English

Fractons are topological quasiparticles with limited mobility. While there exists a variety of models hosting these excitations, typical fracton systems require rather complicated many-particle interactions. Here, we discuss fracton behavior in the more common physical setting of classical kagome spin models with frustrated two-body interactions only. We investigate systems with different types of elementary spin degrees of freedom (three-state Potts, XY, and Heisenberg spins) which all exhibit characteristic subsystem symmetries and fracton-like excitations. The mobility constraints of isolated fractons and bound fracton pairs in the three-state Potts model are, however, strikingly different compared to the known type-I or type-II fracton models. One may still explain these properties in terms of type-I fracton behavior and construct an effective low-energy tensor gauge theory when considering the system as a 2D cut of a 3D cubic lattice model. Our extensive classical Monte-Carlo simulations further indicate a crossover into a low temperature glassy phase where the system gets trapped in metastable fracton states. Moving on to XY spins, we find that in addition to fractons the system hosts fractional vortex excitations. As a result of the restricted mobility of both types of defects, our classical Monte-Carlo simulations do not indicate a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition but again show a crossover into a glassy low-temperature regime. Finally, the energy barriers associated with fractons vanish in the case of Heisenberg spins, such that defect states may continuously decay into a ground state. These decays, however, exhibit a power-law relaxation behavior which leads to slow equilibration dynamics at low temperatures.
