Water maser variability in a high-mass YSO outburst -- VERA and ALMA observations of S255 NIRS 3

Abstract in English

We carried out observations of the 22 GHz H2O masers in a high-mass protostar S255 NIRS 3 by using VERA. We measured the proper motions of the 22 GHz H2O masers associated with a bipolar outflow. The expansion velocity of the blueshifted bow shock traced by the 22 GHz H2O masers was 28 km s-1 corresponding to a dynamical timescale of 60 years. The direction of the maser outflow is slightly tilted compared with the radio jet, which could suggest a more recent ejection episode during the accretion burst event. The total flux density of the 22 GHz H2O masers has gradually increased from early 2017 and has become almost constant in 2018. For the first time, we reveal extended H2O maser emission at 22 GHz in a star forming region, which is partly resolved out by VERA and even by the most extended VLA configurations. We find that the flux variation of such an extended component is similar to that of the unresolved maser emission. We also conducted observations of the submillimeter continuum and the 321 GHz H2O masers with ALMA at Band 7. The continuum emission does not show significant variations compared with the previous observations performed 5 months before. We mapped the 321 GHz H2O masers in S255 NIRS 3 providing the fourth example, for this maser, of the spatial distribution in a high-mass star-forming region. The lower ratio of the 22 GHz/321 GHz maser luminosity in the blueshifted bow shock suggests a temperature (>1000 K), higher than for the other maser features in this region. We conclude that the bow shock structure traced by the 22 GHz H2O maser features is unlikely to be originating at the interface between the radio jet powered by the recent accretion outburst and the surrounding medium. The brightening of the 22 GHz H2O masers could be due to radiative excitation by photons form the infrared outburst escaping along the cavity created by the newly ejected material.
