Friedrichs Learning: Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations via Deep Learning

Abstract in English

This paper proposes Friedrichs learning as a novel deep learning methodology that can learn the weak solutions of PDEs via a minmax formulation, which transforms the PDE problem into a minimax optimization problem to identify weak solutions. The name Friedrichs learning is for highlighting the close relationship between our learning strategy and Friedrichs theory on symmetric systems of PDEs. The weak solution and the test function in the weak formulation are parameterized as deep neural networks in a mesh-free manner, which are alternately updated to approach the optimal solution networks approximating the weak solution and the optimal test function, respectively. Extensive numerical results indicate that our mesh-free method can provide reasonably good solutions to a wide range of PDEs defined on regular and irregular domains in various dimensions, where classical numerical methods such as finite difference methods and finite element methods may be tedious or difficult to be applied.
