Implications of the Dark-LMA solution for neutrino mass matrices

Abstract in English

In this work we have re-investigated two different kinds of texture zero ansatz of the low energy neutrino mass matrix in view of the Dark-Large-Mixing-Angle (DLMA) solution of the solar neutrino problem which can arise in the presence of non-standard interactions. In particular we revisit the cases of (i) one zero mass matrices when the lowest neutrino mass is zero and (ii) one zero texture with a vanishing minor. In our study we find that for most of the cases, the texture zero conditions which are allowed for the LMA solution, are also allowed for the DLMA solution. However, we found two textures belonging to the case of one zero texture with a vanishing minor where LMA solution does not give a viable solution whereas DLMA solution does. We analyze all the possible texture zero cases belonging to these two kinds of texture zero structures in detail and present correlations between different parameters. We also present the predictions for the effective neutrino mass governing neutrino-less double beta decay for the allowed textures.
