GeoNet++: Iterative Geometric Neural Network with Edge-Aware Refinement for Joint Depth and Surface Normal Estimation

Abstract in English

In this paper, we propose a geometric neural network with edge-aware refinement (GeoNet++) to jointly predict both depth and surface normal maps from a single image. Building on top of two-stream CNNs, GeoNet++ captures the geometric relationships between depth and surface normals with the proposed depth-to-normal and normal-to-depth modules. In particular, the depth-to-normal module exploits the least square solution of estimating surface normals from depth to improve their quality, while the normal-to-depth module refines the depth map based on the constraints on surface normals through kernel regression. Boundary information is exploited via an edge-aware refinement module. GeoNet++ effectively predicts depth and surface normals with strong 3D consistency and sharp boundaries resulting in better reconstructed 3D scenes. Note that GeoNet++ is generic and can be used in other depth/normal prediction frameworks to improve the quality of 3D reconstruction and pixel-wise accuracy of depth and surface normals. Furthermore, we propose a new 3D geometric metric (3DGM) for evaluating depth prediction in 3D. In contrast to current metrics that focus on evaluating pixel-wise error/accuracy, 3DGM measures whether the predicted depth can reconstruct high-quality 3D surface normals. This is a more natural metric for many 3D application domains. Our experiments on NYUD-V2 and KITTI datasets verify that GeoNet++ produces fine boundary details, and the predicted depth can be used to reconstruct high-quality 3D surfaces. Code has been made publicly available.
