Van der Waals dephasing for Dicke subradiance in cold atomic clouds

Abstract in English

We investigate numerically the role of near-field dipole-dipole interactions on the late emission dynamics of large disordered cold atomic samples driven by a weak field. Previous experimental and numerical studies of subradiance in macroscopic samples have focused on low-density samples of pure two-level atoms, without internal structure, which corresponds to a scalar representation of the light. The cooperative nature of the late emission of light is then governed by the resonant optical depth. Here, by considering the vectorial nature of the light, we show the detrimental role of the near-field terms on cooperativity in higher-density samples. The observed reduction in the subradiant lifetimes is interpreted as a signature of the inhomogeneous broadening due to the near-field contributions, in analogy with the Van der Waals dephasing phenomenon for superradiance.
