Energy Loss in Holographic Anisotropic Model for Heavy Quarks in External Magnetic Field

Abstract in English

Energy loss in anisotropic hot dense QGP in external magnetic field is studied within holographic approach. Energy loss is calculated by estimation of behaviour of the spatial Wilson loops using the effective potential technique. We examine the dependence of the effective potential on the spatial Wilson loops orientation in fully anisotropic background. For this purpose we obtain general formulas for the effective potential and study appearance of the effective potential dynamical wall. We consider particular fully anisotropic model [arXiv:2011.07023] supported by Einstein-Dilaton-three-Maxwell action. The effective potential strongly depends on the parameters of anisotropy and magnetic field, therefore the energy loss depends on physical parameters $-$ $T$, $mu$, $c_B$ and orientation. Orientation is determined by angles between the moving heavy quark velocity, the axis of heavy ions collision and their impact parameter vector.
