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Video Deblurring by Fitting to Test Data

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 Added by Xuanchi Ren
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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Motion blur in videos captured by autonomous vehicles and robots can degrade their perception capability. In this work, we present a novel approach to video deblurring by fitting a deep network to the test video. Our key observation is that some frames in a video with motion blur are much sharper than others, and thus we can transfer the texture information in those sharp frames to blurry frames. Our approach heuristically selects sharp frames from a video and then trains a convolutional neural network on these sharp frames. The trained network often absorbs enough details in the scene to perform deblurring on all the video frames. As an internal learning method, our approach has no domain gap between training and test data, which is a problematic issue for existing video deblurring approaches. The conducted experiments on real-world video data show that our model can reconstruct clearer and sharper videos than state-of-the-art video deblurring approaches. Code and data are available at

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104 - Junru Wu , Xiang Yu , Ding Liu 2019
Blind video deblurring restores sharp frames from a blurry sequence without any prior. It is a challenging task because the blur due to camera shake, object movement and defocusing is heterogeneous in both temporal and spatial dimensions. Traditional methods train on datasets synthesized with a single level of blur, and thus do not generalize well across levels of blurriness. To address this challenge, we propose a dual attention mechanism to dynamically aggregate temporal cues for deblurring with an end-to-end trainable network structure. Specifically, an internal attention module adaptively selects the optimal temporal scales for restoring the sharp center frame. An external attention module adaptively aggregates and refines multiple sharp frame estimates, from several internal attention modules designed for different blur levels. To train and evaluate on more diverse blur severity levels, we propose a Challenging DVD dataset generated from the raw DVD video set by pooling frames with different temporal windows. Our framework achieves consistently better performance on this more challenging dataset while obtaining strongly competitive results on the original DVD benchmark. Extensive ablative studies and qualitative visualizations further demonstrate the advantage of our method in handling real video blur.
Various blur distortions in video will cause negative impact on both human viewing and video-based applications, which makes motion-robust deblurring methods urgently needed. Most existing works have strong dataset dependency and limited generalization ability in handling challenging scenarios, like blur in low contrast or severe motion areas, and non-uniform blur. Therefore, we propose a PRiOr-enlightened and MOTION-robust video deblurring model (PROMOTION) suitable for challenging blurs. On the one hand, we use 3D group convolution to efficiently encode heterogeneous prior information, explicitly enhancing the scenes perception while mitigating the outputs artifacts. On the other hand, we design the priors representing blur distribution, to better handle non-uniform blur in spatio-temporal domain. Besides the classical camera shake caused global blurry, we also prove the generalization for the downstream task suffering from local blur. Extensive experiments demonstrate we can achieve the state-of-the-art performance on well-known REDS and GoPro datasets, and bring machine task gain.
Videos captured with hand-held cameras often suffer from a significant amount of blur, mainly caused by the inevitable natural tremor of the photographers hand. In this work, we present an algorithm that removes blur due to camera shake by combining information in the Fourier domain from nearby frames in a video. The dynamic nature of typical videos with the presence of multiple moving objects and occlusions makes this problem of camera shake removal extremely challenging, in particular when low complexity is needed. Given an input video frame, we first create a consistent registered version of temporally adjacent frames. Then, the set of consistently registered frames is block-wise fused in the Fourier domain with weights depending on the Fourier spectrum magnitude. The method is motivated from the physiological fact that camera shake blur has a random nature and therefore, nearby video frames are generally blurred differently. Experiments with numerous videos recorded in the wild, along with extensive comparisons, show that the proposed algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results while at the same time being much faster than its competitors.
Existing deep learning methods for image deblurring typically train models using pairs of sharp images and their blurred counterparts. However, synthetically blurring images do not necessarily model the genuine blurring process in real-world scenarios with sufficient accuracy. To address this problem, we propose a new method which combines two GAN models, i.e., a learning-to-Blur GAN (BGAN) and learning-to-DeBlur GAN (DBGAN), in order to learn a better model for image deblurring by primarily learning how to blur images. The first model, BGAN, learns how to blur sharp images with unpaired sharp and blurry image sets, and then guides the second model, DBGAN, to learn how to correctly deblur such images. In order to reduce the discrepancy between real blur and synthesized blur, a relativistic blur loss is leveraged. As an additional contribution, this paper also introduces a Real-World Blurred Image (RWBI) dataset including diverse blurry images. Our experiments show that the proposed method achieves consistently superior quantitative performance as well as higher perceptual quality on both the newly proposed dataset and the public GOPRO dataset.
Real-time video deblurring still remains a challenging task due to the complexity of spatially and temporally varying blur itself and the requirement of low computational cost. To improve the network efficiency, we adopt residual dense blocks into RNN cells, so as to efficiently extract the spatial features of the current frame. Furthermore, a global spatio-temporal attention module is proposed to fuse the effective hierarchical features from past and future frames to help better deblur the current frame. Another issue needs to be addressed urgently is the lack of a real-world benchmark dataset. Thus, we contribute a novel dataset (BSD) to the community, by collecting paired blurry/sharp video clips using a co-axis beam splitter acquisition system. Experimental results show that the proposed method (ESTRNN) can achieve better deblurring performance both quantitatively and qualitatively with less computational cost against state-of-the-art video deblurring methods. In addition, cross-validation experiments between datasets illustrate the high generality of BSD over the synthetic datasets. The code and dataset are released at
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