Nonthermal electron and ion acceleration by magnetic reconnection in large laser-driven plasmas

Abstract in English

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that is thought to play a key role in the production of nonthermal particles associated with explosive phenomena in space physics and astrophysics. Experiments at high-energy-density facilities are starting to probe the microphysics of reconnection at high Lundquist numbers and large system sizes. We have performed particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations to explore particle acceleration for parameters relevant to laser-driven reconnection experiments. We study particle acceleration in large system sizes that may be produced soon with the most energetic laser drivers available, such as at the National Ignition Facility. In these conditions, we show the possibility of reaching the multi-plasmoid regime, where plasmoid acceleration becomes dominant. Our results show the transition from textit{X} point to plasmoid-dominated acceleration associated with the merging and contraction of plasmoids that further extend the maximum energy of the power-law tail of the particle distribution for electrons. We also find for the first time a system-size-dependent emergence of nonthermal ion acceleration in driven reconnection, where the magnetization of ions at sufficiently large sizes allows them to be contained by the magnetic field and energized by direct textit{X} point acceleration. For feasible experimental conditions, electrons and ions can attain energies of $epsilon_{max,e} / k_{B} T_{e} > 100$ and $epsilon_{max,i} / k_{B} T_{i} > 1000$. Using PIC simulations with binary Monte Carlo Coulomb collisions we study the impact of collisionality on plasmoid formation and particle acceleration. The implications of these results for understanding the role reconnection plays in accelerating particles in space physics and astrophysics are discussed.
