Description of the multidimensional potential energy surface in fission of $^{252}$Cf and $^{258}$No

Abstract in English

The microscopic studies on nuclear fission require the evaluation of the potential energy surface as a function of the collective coordinates. A reasonable choice of constraints on multipole moments should be made to describe the topography of the surface completely within a reasonable amount of computing time. We present a detailed analysis of fission barriers in the self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach with the D1S parametrization of the Gogny nucleon-nucleon interaction. Two heavy isotopes representing different spontaneous fission modes - $^{252}$Cf (asymmetric) and $^{258}$No (bimodal) - have been chosen for the analysis. We have shown the existence of complicated structures on the energy surface that can not be fully described in two-dimensional calculations. We analyze apparent problems that can be encountered in this type of calculations: multiple solutions for given constraints and transitions between various potential energy surfaces. We present possible solutions on how to deal with these issues.
