Micrometer-scale monolayer SnS growth by physical vapor deposition

Abstract in English

Recently, monolayer SnS, a two-dimensional group IV monochalcogenide, was grown on a mica substrate at the micrometer-size scale by the simple physical vapor deposition (PVD), resulting in the successful demonstration of its in-plane room temperature ferroelectricity. However, the reason behind the monolayer growth remains unclear because it had been considered that the SnS growth inevitably results in a multilayer thickness due to the strong interlayer interaction arising from lone pair electrons. Here, we investigate the PVD growth of monolayer SnS from two different feed powders, highly purified SnS and commercial phase-impure SnS. Contrary to expectations, it is suggested that the mica substrate surface is modified by sulfur evaporated from the Sn2S3 contaminant in the as-purchased powder and the lateral growth of monolayer SnS is facilitated due to the enhanced surface diffusion of SnS precursor molecules, unlike the growth from the highly purified powder. This insight provides a guide to identify further controllable growth conditions.
