Finite-Function-Encoding Quantum States

Abstract in English

We investigate the encoding of higher-dimensional logic into quantum states. To that end we introduce finite-function-encoding (FFE) states which encode arbitrary $d$-valued logic functions and investigate their structure as an algebra over the ring of integers modulo $d$. We point out that the polynomiality of the function is the deciding property for associating hypergraphs to states. Given a polynomial, we map it to a tensor-edge hypergraph, where each edge of the hypergraph is associated with a tensor. We observe how these states generalize the previously defined qudit hypergraph states, especially through the study of a group of finite-function-encoding Pauli stabilizers. Finally, we investigate the structure of FFE states under local unitary operations, with a focus on the bipartite scenario and its connections to the theory of complex Hadamard matrices.
