A dual risk model with additive and proportional gains: ruin probability and dividends

Abstract in English

We consider a dual risk model with constant expense rate and i.i.d. exponentially distributed gains $C_i$ ($i=1,2,dots$) that arrive according to a renewal process with general interarrival times. We add to this classical dual risk model the proportional gain feature, that is, if the surplus process just before the $i$th arrival is at level $u$, then for $a>0$ the capital jumps up to the level $(1+a)u+C_i$. The ruin probability and the distribution of the time to ruin are determined. We furthermore identify the value of discounted cumulative dividend payments, for the case of a Poisson arrival process of proportional gains. In the dividend calculations, we also consider a random perturbation of our basic risk process modeled by an independent Brownian motion with drift.
